The foundation for programs delivered under this category has its genesis in the Family Section of Billy’s Book, The Journey. The information is also part of a seven-year newsletter distribution on Parenting Billy provided to subscribers throughout the United States. Acknowledged as a sound, value-based approach to raising children by teachers, parents, and clergy, here are four examples of potential sessions:

  • Seven Do’s and Don’ts for Successful Parenting
  • Peer Proofing—Becoming Aware of Your Children’s Friends
  • Drug Addition—The Potential Ruination of Two Generations
  • Are You Ready for Parenting?

Billy's newest book, Teaching Your Child to Succeed—Strategies for Creating Parental Leadership in the Home, is the centerpiece of his training sessions on parenting skills and strategies. If your school district, church group, or a group of parents want to learn important parental leadership messages. please call me at 225-572-2804 or email me at This is a no-obligation call free of pressure to purchase but guaranteed to provide insights that will elevate the effectiveness of your parenting strategies.